Mobile Device Applications

Mobile applications to help your remote workforce succeed.

Adaptis end-user Application for Usage Awareness

End-users experience several challenges when using a corporately provided mobile device. Lack of billing visibility, support avenues and expensive roaming charges mean that users are consuming an immense amount of time engaging internal support contacts within your company for questions and time consuming support requests.

The Adaptis Mobile device application allows users to view detailed historical billing for their line, create support requests to be completed by the Adaptis Mobile Help Desk Team and avoid exorbitant international roaming charges before they happen with Adaptis Mobile’s roaming location services. Adaptis Mobile support staff are able to add the appropriate international roaming plan for the user before charges are incurred.


The Adaptis Mobile device application assists users to excel in support, usage awareness and cost control.

  • Increased end user satisfaction through a direct support avenue that has traditionally been challenging
  • End user visibility in to costs and usage for their specific device
  • One touch push to call/create ticket options
  • Intuitive roaming notifications to mitigate unexpected charges
  • Flexible support routing options based on client requirement

Supported Carriers

Adaptis Mobile is compatible with TELUS Mobility, Bell Mobility, Rogers, Sasktel, MTS, Verizon, AT&T and more.

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